Our main solutions for Healthcare Professionals


The AI ​​assistant that transcribes, summarizes, analyzes in real time your physical, remote (telephone, video) and mobile consultations to extract useful data and update your patient files.

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The AI ​​that analyzes voicemail messages (including an answering service), calls your patients to collect missing documents, analyzes your patients' emails, prepares a response based on your preferences and updates the patient file.

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A 100% locally installed and running AI to extract and analyze structured data from patient records, clincal notes in real studies or to monitor the quality of clinical trial data.

Etudes en vie réelle

CT Data Quality Monitoring

PraxyBackOffice & chatbots

Our offer to automate the repetitive tasks of your administrative back-office: chatbot support and therapeutic education, prescription reminders and renewals, dematerialization of patient documents, updating of files, etc.

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